The Miami Herald reports: TV dots airwaves with inaccuracies
Why software is so bad ...
Read this (or Revelations) to understand why Microsoft is evil.
I recently saw two documentaries that pretty well summarized the dot-com industry in all its self-indulgent glory. is the funnier of the two. Though it
might only be thoroughly appreciated by folks who saw this stuff first hand, this movie shows why
so many of these companies never had a chance.
e-Dreams is the story of I think this
company could have made it. They just tried to get too big too soon.
This seems a big joke to me. We can't possibly create an warning system that works. A Red alert
puts security on high alert, and I can't believe terrorists are going to be inclined to act at a time
during which they are not likely to succeed. A Green alert, on the other hand, scares me. This is
obviously the best time for terrorists to attack. The whole thing just doesn't make any sense to me.
Super Ant Colony Found in Europe
I've always been interested in ants. They are truly amazing creatures.