August 25, 1996

I'm finally settled in to my new apartment. If you'd like to send me snail mail or visit, here's my new address: 376 Leigh Ave. / San Jose CA 95128. My phone number is (408) 971-0922. (I should have my own internet account in the next few weeks, at which time the address of my homepage will change.) If you'd like to drop by, please come armed with a small firearm, mace or at least something to bludgeon off my neighbors with--it's a neighborhood.

I'll be starting De Anza college in late September. I'm really looking forward to studying computer science after having studied English for three years. I think literature is over-rated.

Within a few months, I hope to be devoting more time to develloping my homepage. I realize that it's not much right now, but I'm currently studying HTML, CGIs, Unix and other nifty little things that will hopefully allow me to develop a much more interesting and interactive website for both of my regular visitors out there. Meanwhile, I won't be updating this page, so be patient and be adventurous.

July 17, 1996

Well, how things change. As you may or may not know (or care, in which case you shouldn't be reading this document), I came back from a two-year stay in Mexico in order to go to Berkeley and study Literature. After getting back from Mexico, I had a considerable amount of free time. I spent most of it on the computer and pretty much became obsessed with these damn things, so much so that I decided to change my major from English to computer science. Having studied only literature for my three years of college in Los Angeles, I had none of the prerequisites that are required to enter the Computer Science Department at UC Berkeley. After speaking with a counsellor and considering my real goals very carefully, I decided to hold off on Berkeley and go back when I'm fully prepared to enter one of the most comptetive undergraduate programs at Berkeley.

The upshot is that I'm now preparing to enroll at De Anza College in San Jose, California. De Anza is actually quite a fine school as well (it's rated in the top five of junior colleges in the U.S., the only one of California's JCs to receive this recognition). I'll be studying primarily math and computer science. Never having been a numbers person myself, I'm now looking forward to fifty units of mathematics.

I'll be moving in several weeks to an apartment which my mom has donated to my cause. I'll post my new address, phone number, e-mail and all the rest on my home page when I do move. Until then you can reach me at the following address:

Harry Slaughter / 2030 Veronica Place / San Jose, CA 95124

My telephone number is currently (408)559-3429.

I apologize to all those to whom I still haven't written. To be honest, I probably won't be writing any letters until I'm settled down with a job, transportation and a firm handle on my new field of studies. I will respond, however, to all e-mail sent very quickly.




 Harry: [email protected].