Once again, amongst the ranks of the unemployed. My contract at
SPAWAR Systems Center is coming to a close, and I haven't yet found any new work.
It seems that things are no better than they were 6 months ago in the tech job area.
This is very frustrating for a person who truly enjoys working in this business. I've seen
a lot of folks pack up and move and switch careers entirely. I'm half tempted to take
my remaining dot-com loot and hit the road. But this business is just too much fun
to leave. I don't really enjoy anything else (as far as careers). So I'm committed, at
least right now, to sticking this out.
If you happen to know of any good companies in need of Linux/Perl/Web type geeks,
point them to my resume.
If you help me land a job, I promise you a Slurpee and a pack of candy cigarettes.