Slaughter family genealogy

I've uploaded the entire Slaughter family tree that I currently have. You can browse it here:

If you'd like to tie in any work you've done, please post to the Slaughter Family message board.

Also, if you're using software that understands the .ged format, download the attached data. If you find that your information links into mine, I'd appreciate getting a copy of your integrated tree.


Harry Slaughter

export2.ged72.84 KB


just trying to research my family

hi may name is jeffrey slaughter i live in san antonio dads name is charles aaron slaughter grandfather was charles aaron slaughter the II..i had an uncle who died a few years about 5 years ago his name was john slaughter...he did some research that dated pretty far back but he died and never got to ask him any questions on the family tree so trying to do the research myself...if you can help me i would be so thankful...thank you for your time..

please email me back jeff @

please email me back jeff @

thanks. I have been researching you since camp and I now own every single cd of your's!

i still tell EVERYONE that I huged the famous JEFF SLAUGHTER 57x!


Hi. I'm talking marriage

Hi. I'm talking marriage with a man with the tell tell last name Slaughter. He told me that he often heard of how his great great grandfather went on a killing spree and hence the family name Slaughter was born. Has any of your researched uncovered a bloody trail? Needless to say, I am terribly trouble by "family dna" rearing its ugly head in various forms in my future with this man. I'll never take on his name but now I'm concerned about passing on a legacy of violence to children.
My last name is Rose!

I have a few family names.

I have a few family names. Give me a starting point and perhaps I can help.

Hi my name is Addie I am

Hi my name is Addie I am very curious about my family history I see That You are related to john slaughter And from what I've been told all my life I had a great great uncle john slaughter my brother Aaron was named from the family aswell. We live in Beaumont TX. And I would like to know more if this is the same family...I've been told we are from Louisiana so if you can help....please do so

I am jess slaughter's

I am jess slaughter's grandaughter