Cobain's diaries to be published
Though I'm not a big Nirvana fan, I do recognize the band's talent and importance. And I have an odd fascination with people like Kurt Cobain. (Another figure I've recently become interesed in is Lee Mavers of The La's.) Anyway, the sample entries from Cobain are revealing and sad. Reading this, I felt like I was inside some sort of fish tank with Kurt, talking with him as many people stared in at us from the other side of the glass. He is no different than many of the people I grew up with. His tone reminds me of people I went to high school with. Then one day, he got famous and his old world was gone. He didn't want to leave his old world. He was evicted and forced in to a world of phonies. I have to wonder if it's a healthy situation to be in, a world of fantasy. Sure, there's still the music, but eventually that too must necessarily become a product of the fantasy world that's been created. Real music comes from real people being honest and real. I don't see how you could become a rock star and still make music.
Mon Mar 15 22:42:32 2004 - I finally closed off comments for this topic and actually deleted about a dozen of the ones that were posted. I initially did not want to delete any comments. But there are so many nuts out there that have absolutely nothing to say and can only speak in crude, brief profanities... well, there's the kids to think about folks.
Tue Oct 18 00:44:43 2005 - Opened up comments again since my blog is mostly spam-proof now.
i ask that no matter how much you love kurt and nirvana, dont read his journals. They were private and never meant to be read by anyone but kurt. Now millions of people have access to his deep personal feelings that he only shared with himself, to read his journals is to rape his mind.
RIP Kurt we miss you
kurt's journals
i know that you said reading kurt's journals is to rape his mind but if you but if your the same boddah kurt wrote his alleged suicide note to then you must realize you where kurt's friend trough out his life and knew him but his fans who where about 1-6years old when died have noting to make us feel like we know him except his journals.you had the pleasure of knowing him personaly and talking to him we have nothing p.s. if your not really boddah ignore this
R.I.P.kurt hope you have a leonard cohen afterworld
LIFES A BITCH AND SO AM I SO SCREW TH WORLD AND LETS GET HIGH!! im sure kurt wud hav wanted us 2 jus enjoy our own lives dudes! keep on rockin! R.I.P kurt, u wil 4ever rock this earth.(13 year old girl-me)
kurt cobain was the greatest fucking guy in the whole fucking world, was he murdered, we dont know, the mystery will someday come out KURT COBAIN RUUUUUULLLLLLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nirvana's influence on rock music is unquestionable, however Kurt (Kurdt)Cobains death is. No matter what the theories we will probably never know the truth, though i hope to god we will. I dont understand certain persons arguments , do you think that abuseing each other will get your point across easier? All the 'so called' nirvana fans who come and say they love kurt cobain should really look inside themselves! he was an amzing song writer and musician and had the talent that sadly very few have today! But to love a man you first must understand him and no one ever understood kurt cobain not even his self! His lyrics are a look inside of him yet they are riddled with lies and plays on the truth. A TRUE nirvana fan listens to the music looks at all the so called's sticks his/her middle finger up and says 'this me accept it'! Dont argue if nirvana is punk/grunge it doesnt matter! as long as you enjoy the music, dont feel if your general music taste is punk that you have to justify it by arguing nirvana is punk! it as all! PUNK ROCK IS FREEDOM! Thanks for Lamefest KURT X RIP
yeah fuckwad! if you don't like nirvana why don't you quit writing articles about them then. cunt whore
Buddhism is about peace, how could you fight about about Kurt? How could you fight against his own ideals while you clame that you understand him?
Peace, love, empathy,
OMFG !! i hate every single person on this stupid fucking message thing who said that kurt and nirvana are no good. i love them and so does alot of people. danny - kurt did not kill himself. courtney did and i will never change my mind about that. you have to read mose stuff listen to convos between tom grant and courtny read documents and all that crap and youll get it. youll know that courtny killed him becasue the things she says and the things they found out just lead to courtny. and there are possible ways taht kurt coulnt have possibly killed himself destroy - youre a fuckin dickk !! you dont even fuccin kmno the guy and your making cruel statements about him. 'kurt cocain' yea he might have been a druggy but you shouldn judge a person on if they take drugs or not ya dip shyt go to hell all i want is justice for kurt and for people to kno the truth and then theres sickos like you who just dont giva a shyt . i hate you ya pathetic little fuck
for one nirvava is not punk it is grung so git it right. so every one do you think kurt is prowd of dave growl ofr do you think he is very disapointed. answer this?
Everyone says they love kurt...but I love kurt and anyone who has love for the Beatles and The Melvins...read his book kids.....
Vandalism is a beautiful as a rock in a cops face.
love andrea
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