
Truly Free Credit Report

I didn't realize it was so easy to get the legally mandated free credit report each year. Start at the AnnualCreditReport website, fill out some forms, and you'll have printable reports from all 3 major credit score providers.

You have to pay each of them about five bucks if you want to see the actual score, but the complete report is free. Great for spring credit cleaning.

Live from Ground Zero

The ongoing tales of an ISP using police communications, diesel fuel and firearms to keep its service running can be read on Survival of New Orleans blog.

You have to check this out

I knew Google Earth came out a while back, but I only just bothered to install it.

Google Earth

Like everything Google does, Google Earth is amazing. It's the type of application you don't realize you must have until you have it.

There's no point in trying to describe it, you simply have to install it right now and check it out yourself.

Lame Site of the Day

Ticketmaster wins my previously non-extant "Lame Site of the Day" award.

King James Replacement?

Re-live the great stories of the Bible illustrated wonderfully in Legos:
The Brick Testament

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