Harry Slaughter's blog

The New Diamond Age

During a break in the conference, a man approached Linares and told him to be careful. "He said that my father's research was a good way to get a bullet in the head"...

Danger and intrigue, circuitous tips to secret labs, international hustlers and secret deals... A new Ludlum novel? No, it's the damn diamond industry when threatened with the emergence of **real** diamonds that are man made.
This is a great little article. Well worth the read:

Wired 11.09: The New Diamond Age

Gangs of New York

This is a very well-made movie with no coherent storyline. The story has something to do with racial enmity, gangs, slavery, a young boy's grudge, political corruption and a few other things, along with a hackneyed love story and and a lot of wishy-washy character development.

However, this movie is worth watching for Daniel Day Lewis' performance alone. He steals this show, playing a hardened "gang" leader who considers himself a "native American" and gives no quarter to any person arriving on a ship from abroad. He is a classic thug with a lot of flare and also the only reason I watched the entire, drawn out 180 minutes of this mega-flop.

The movie is also quite funny at times. My favorite is probably a scene where an actor crudely playing Abraham Lincoln dangles from the scaffolds in the background as the thugs shoot and knife it out.

This is more of a modern art piece: it makes no sense whatever, but it's fun to look at.

Do Not Call List Debuts

Slashdot reports the federal "do not call list" goes live today. However, you may have to wait a day or two to check it out. http://donotcall.gov/ is probably getting hit very hard today. I couldn't access it.

You can also get info on state laws here.

El Cajon Car Show

Every Wednesday evening during the summer, El Cajon hosts a car show on Main Street. There are always hundreds of vintage cars.

Cajon Car

Continued Rise of Linux

Read more on the continued rise of Linux in this article from Forbes titled The Feds Love Linux.

It's very exciting watching the steady rise of Linux into the mainstream. Another article came out yesterday about Linux surpassing Apple in the number of desktop installations worldwide. Very exciting stuff folks!

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